Experimental Installation Art
ATOMINSTITUT, Austria, October 2024;
I took advantage of Vienna’s academic and scientific resources, conducted field research and studies at the Vienna Center
for Quantum Science and Technology and the Institute for Atomic Energy, and used irradiation and neutron cameras to assist
my artistic practice.
Digital neutron radiography applied to study plants Source HZB, Germany
By capturing hydrogen atoms, the dynamic distribution of water within plant tissue can be tracked.
This reveals atom movement ways within the organism, while also prove the concept of "boundaries" in biological entities.
Specifically, observing the movement of water molecules highlights a dynamic, fluid boundary state.
Within the framework of the “Returning to Atom” artistic research, I initiated an interactive experiment at the University of Applied Arts Vienna.
Before the experiment began, I asked a class of students and teacher to create self-portraits, recording their current perceptions of self-image and identity.
Next, I presented them with neutron camera footage showing the trajectories of hydrogen atoms, a visual representation of atomic motion in nature.
These images suggest the potential for transcending individual boundaries and highlight the fluid essence of existence.
After viewing the atomic trajectories, the participants were asked to draw self-portraits once again.
By comparing the differences between the before-and-after drawings, I found that many participants depicted their self-images with greater openness
and diversity the second time, often blurring the clear boundaries between individuals and their surroundings.
This shift demonstrates that the “Returning to Atom” art experiment encouraged participants to reconsider their relationships with others, society, and
the natural world, ultimately offering new perspectives and perceptual experiences in understanding the self.