Animation, 2013-2017
Behold the enigmatic enigma of Mr. P, a human-like form composed of circles of energy coils. Every coil on his frame spins a mesmerizing tale of growth.
Behold its mystical allure, for in the embrace of disparate souls, these coils metamorphose into an array of shapes, mirroring emotions and resonating with
the subtle cadence of diverse energy frequencies. A symphony of evanescent forms, dancing to the rhythm of the universe.
Such resonance draws parallels to the age-old wisdom of "emptiness," a tenet steeped in the esoteric wisdom of the East. The coils' hollow semblance reveals
a canvas to the world, an ethereal vessel to hold the essence of existence. Within this void lies the cosmic repository of all life's wonders, for emptiness, dear
traveler, is but an endless horizon of possibilities.
Imbued with the teachings of my venerable mentor, Liu Jude, the spirit of art finds solace in its own emptiness. It ascends to lofty heights, attaining a spiritual
plane that allows the artist to perceive the cosmos in its entirety. Here, the observer becomes a silent custodian, tenderly nurturing the realms of creation.
Mr. P's style contains deep emotions, let us see art as a timeless classic, beyond the pure entertainment field. Gaze at the strokes of his coils, akin to a poet's
meditation. Take your soul on a contemplative journey that opens the door to deep thinking and profound philosophy.
Thus, in the presence of Mr. P, we witness not just a sculpture but a masterpiece of sentiment, a timeless lullaby that comforts the soul, where each coil unfurls
an invitation to reflect on the enigma of existence, the dance of energy, and the depths of the human spirit.